5S Overview -- A simple tool with significant impact

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What is 5S? A brief definition is it is a practical 5 step process to help organize and maintain organization throughout your workspace. However, 5S is much more than housekeeping; it is effectively a tool to organize and visualize the workplace.  The 5 steps are:  

Step 1: Seiri (Sort)
• Clearing and classifying through everything in the work area. Separate the clutter from the needed items.
Step 2: Seiton (Straighten)
• Set in order the items in a way to improve efficiencies, safety and quality. Designate a specific correct location for the items.
Step 3: Seiso (Shine)
• Clean everything and keep it that way. Define ways to keep clean areas.
Step 4: Seiketsu (Standardize)
• Develop the routines and standard practices for regularly and systematically repeating the first three S’s. Generally this is accomplished through the use of visual management and standard operating procedures.

5: Shitsuke (Sustain)
• Engage your organization to ensure that 5S becomes part of the culture of your workplace.

The 5S is a simple easy to adopt lean tool with proven results including: defines standards for consistent results, reduction in required floor space, and reduction in iventory.
Although 5S requires to develop a discipline and deploy training to the organization on the tool details, it is true it is an initiative of minimal investment other than time. Have you implemented 5S your organization? What was your biggest challenge? What was your greatest achievement as a result of the 5S implementation?

Should you need further details on the 5S tool implementation (worksheets, training) contact us at qualityintegration@gmail.com.