3 ways of keeping HAPPY customers = 3 best ways to MAKE NEW ones

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Customer service is an art, and a key one for businesses success. Customers are the most valuable asset any business (small, medium or big) could possess. Commonly we hear about how easy it is to make a new client when compared to the big challenge of keeping an existing one. I rather like to see it as completely dependent events. It has been demonstrated that an inadequate customer service is critical on creating a lasting impression that will spread by "word of mouth", and not necessarily on business behalf. Moreover, on today's world where customer satisfaction is amplified by the virtual network of global impact customers can and are taking an active role on building businesses perception as a direct result of customer service provided; and this valuable and unlimited feedback is far more truth worthy to prospect clients then any Mision, Vision, or Testimonials the business may come up with. Being said so, why not take time to auto-assess our businesses and determine how we are doing on the so long preached foundation of customer service:
1.       Are you listening to customers’ feedback/suggestions? Listening to both, satisfied and unsatisfied customers is the most reliable input on what is being done (right and/or wrong). Moreover, make sure you have established mediums for customer to communicate and that they know they exist. Ensure customers are aware of your available mediums that may include suggestion cards, and contact mediums such as email, customer service line, and social media/rating.
2.       How are you reacting to customer input? Acknowledge your mistake and make sure a resolution is agreed where customer left the transaction feeling that the dispute is no longer “a mistake”. Make sure employees are engaged in and trained on adequate customer service techniques.
3.       Are you “meeting” customer expectations? If so, then your business has areas of improvement. Any business should strive on promising less (the minimum expected) and then deliver more in a way customers are “shocked” in a good way and become loyal customer instead of casual customers.